Although there is a lot to tell about Belgian foreign trade, most of the figures speak for themselves. The Belgian Foreign Trade Agency therefore provides a whole range of structured figures on Belgium's trade with other countries.

Top 3 of Belgian export products (January - December 2023)

export graphics January - December 2023

Top customers

top 3 customers January-December 2023

With €96.9 billion, Germany remained our number one client in 2023. However, exports to this country were down by 24.0% (€-30.6 billion) when compared to a year earlier. France was positioned in second place with exports amounting to €70.1 billion. In comparison to 2022, exports had decreased by 10.8% (€-8.5 billion). Finally, Belgian exports to the Netherlands have fallen by 17.2% (€-14.2 billion) in value to €68.4 billion in 2023.

Top suppliers

Top 3 suppliers January-December 2023

The Netherlands have maintained their position as the number one supplier of goods of Belgium. However, imports from this country decreased by 12.0% (€-13.1 billion) to €95.9 billion in 2023. Germany remained in second place with imports amounting to €61.1 billion, which is a drop of 4.3% (€-2.7 billion) when compared to a year earlier. Meanwhile, France held on to third place with €51.9 billion (-5.1% or €-2.8 billion).

Belgian Foreign Trade Study

  • The different editions of the Belgian Foreign Trade study provide you with an overall picture of Belgian foreign trade in recent years. The visual design of these publications (in English) ensures that the figures are perfectly reflected.

    cover Belgian Foreign Trade publication 2022

World Trade Study

  • The World Trade publication is drawn up based on the WTO’s figures. In addition to outlining the evolution of world trade, this publication also covers Belgium’s global ranking as an importer and exporter of goods and services.

    cover World Trade publication 2022

Quarterly Brochures

The Belgian Foreign Trade Agency publishes a quarterly brochure with the main data on Belgium's foreign trade. This document provides information on the most important customers, suppliers, import and export products.
These brochures present quarterly figures. Monthly statistics are available upon request (see contact details).


Belgium's Most Important Export Products

Belgium is an important transit point for Europe. However, Belgium also has its own range of products for export. In these documents you will find an overview of the main Belgian export products.

Useful links

The BFTA uses several primary sources to draw up its studies: the National Bank of Belgium, Eurostat, the World Trade Organization and others.