
image 4 circles Tradexplorer platformDiscover TRADEXPLORER, our new website containing all possible figures on foreign trade. You will find global indicators, reporting by product or country of your choice, as well as a data table generator to specify and export data.

You can request a great deal of information per country, summarised in the bilateral note, the bilateral sheet and the economic study. Select the country of your choice via the search function.


In addition to general information about, for example, GDP, inflation, the number of inhabitants, global imports and exports, the unemployment rate, etc., these bilateral trade notes also contain an analysis of bilateral trade with a specific country, as well as an overview of the main import and export sections. 
If, for a particular country, the bilateral trade note does not exist in Dutch, it will be available in French. 
In addition, the Statistics department can issue tailor-made bilateral trade notes on request.  


The bilateral trade sheet highlights Belgium's foreign trade flows with a trading partner. 
On a monthly basis, the "Statistics" department prepares the latest available statistics for all Belgium's trade partners. 
As the bilateral trade sheets are based on the data provided by Eurostat, within a period of 3 months, there is a three-month lapse on the latest figures.


The economic studies aim to provide the reader with a macroeconomic overview. They also list the key sectors that offer important opportunities for our Belgian export companies.