Publication “Belgian exporters & Free Trade Agreements - A closer look”
The publication “Belgian exporters & Free Trade Agreements - A closer look” examines the extent to which Belgian exporters use Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), and their reasons for (not) doing so.
The first part looks at how much import tariffs can be saved on Belgian products thanks to FTAs, and to what extent these advantages are actually used. This is done by providing a broad overview of partner countries and exporting sectors, but also by combining both to find quick wins. Finally, the role of the preferential margin in the use of FTAs is briefly examined.
In the second part, we investigate why Belgian exporters use or do not use an FTA, relying on input received from over 500 respondents participating in a survey. Based on this, exporters can understand why some of their competitors consider an FTA to be relevant and how those companies deal with issues such as Rules of Origin, why other exporters do not use an FTA and learn how companies working with an intermediary deal with FTAs.
“Belgian Exporters & Free Trade Agreements – A closer look” was realised by the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency in collaboration with its partners the FPS Foreign Affairs, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), the Wallonia Export & Investment Agency (AWEX) and Also building upon the insights from the preceding publication realised in 2021, “A closer look” provides a robust picture of the use of FTAs by Belgian exporters.
The publication “The role of logistics service providers in the utilization of FTAs by exporters”:
- gives an insight on how freight forwarders, customs agents, shipping agents and their peers can help exporters to become more competitive abroad by assisting them in the utilisation of FTAs;
- benefits from survey-based feedback, as well as from in-depth interviews. With answers to several questions such as “Why are some LSPs not informing their clients about FTAs” and “How can LSPs help their clients to use FTAs”, the results of the study are not solely intended for exporters, but also for logistics service providers and policy makers.
This publication was realised by the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency in collaboration with its partners the FPS Foreign Affairs, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), AWEX and
A successful webinar was organised on Tuesday 15 March 2022, in collaboration with our partners the FPS Foreign Affairs, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), Wallonia Export & Investment Agency (AWEX) and, and with the kind cooperation of the European Commission and Forward Belgium, on the occasion of the release of the publication "The role of logistics service providers in the utilization of FTAs by exporters".
You can watch the REPLAY OF THE WEBINAR below:
Our colleague Wouter Decoster was invited to give a presentation in the margin of the Executive roundtable on rules of origin, organised by UNCTAD and the European University Institute.
Watch the video here:
* Part 2 - 2020
The publication on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Belgian foreign trade measures the consequences of this pandemic for both Belgian imports and exports of goods during the year 2020.
Based on the export and import figures, the ten sectors most affected by the health crisis were identified. Belgium’s performance is also compared to that of its neighbouring countries and to that of countries with a similar export structure.
The second part of this study focuses on a microeconomic analysis of the individual performances of exporting companies in 2020.
Download the publication "Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Belgian Foreign Trade - Part 2 - 2020" in French here.
Download the publication "Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Belgian Foreign Trade - Part 2 - 2020" in Dutch here.
This publication is the result of 12 months of statistical research and a micro-economic analysis of individual performances of exporting companies in 2020.
A successful webinar was organised in collaboration with our partners the FPS Foreign Affairs, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), Wallonia Export & Investment Agency (AWEX) and, to launch our publication "Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Belgian Foreign Trade - Part 2 - 2020". You can view the RECORDING OF THE WEBINAR below:
* Part 1 - During the first lockdown (March-May 2020)
The publication on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Belgian foreign trade measures the consequences of this pandemic for both Belgian imports and exports of goods during the first lockdown (March-May 2020).
Based on these figures, the ten sectors most affected by the health crisis were identified. Belgium’s performance is also compared to that of its neighboring countries and to that of countries with a similar export structure. A series of interviews with sector federations further illustrates the effects of the crisis on the international trade performance of companies operating in the ten most affected sectors.
Finally, Belgium's resilience and the factors that will contribute to a sustained socio-economic recovery are placed within the framework of the 'COVID Economic Recovery Index', a new concept developed by the Horizon Group think tank.
The publication “Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Belgian Foreign Trade” is the result of 3 months of statistical analysis and interviews with major sector federations of Belgium and was realised by the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency at the request of its partners the FPS Foreign Affairs, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), AWEX and
More than 500 people took part in our webinar “Covid-19: recovery prospects for Belgian Foreign Trade” on 19 November 2020, which was organised in collaboration with our partners the FPS Foreign Affairs, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), AWEX and, following the launch of our publication on the “Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the Belgian Foreign Trade Trade”. You can view the RECORDING OF THE WEBINAR below:
Download the PRESS REVIEW on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Belgian foreign trade here.
The publication on the use of free trade agreements by Belgian exporters analyses to what extent Belgian exporters make use of the existing free trade agreements. In addition, the underlying reasons for this are investigated. This was done from two perspectives.
Initially, data from the European Commission was used to determine whether or not Belgian exporters make efficient use of the free trade agreements. Particular attention was paid to specific sectors and countries where the free trade agreements can have the most impact. A comparison with the EU was also made.
Secondly, on the basis of the results of a survey, it was examined why Belgian exporters do or do not make use of free trade agreements, and what role third parties such as shipping agents play in this process.
Based on this, 20 findings were put forward. With these findings, the competent partners can, if they wish, take targeted action to encourage companies, in particular SMEs, to make greater use of the preferential tariffs and thus increase their competitiveness abroad.
The publication “Belgian Exporters & Free Trade Agreements: a good match?” was realised by the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency in collaboration with its partners the FPS Foreign Affairs, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), AWEX and
More than 400 people took part in our webinar “How Belgian exporters (can) gain a competitive advantage thanks to FTAs” on 4 February 2021, which was organised in collaboration with our partners the FPS Foreign Affairs, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), AWEX and, following the launch of our publication “Belgian Exporters & Free Trade Agreements: a good match? ” You can view the RECORDING OF THE WEBINAR below:
- Christelle CharlierDirector - Studies and Statistics