About Belgian Economic Missions

The Belgian Foreign Trade Agency, in cooperation with the three regional agencies for the promotion of foreign trade Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), the Wallonia Export-Investment Agency (AWEX) and hub.brussels and the FPS Foreign Affairs, organises two Belgian Economic Missions per year.

Upcoming missions


  • Public sector
  • Companies, universities, federations and chambers of commerce
  • Press


  • Testimonial BESIX Group

    Remote video URL

    BESIX Group has participated to the Belgian Economic Missions to Angola & South Africa, India, Saudi Arabia & Oman, Qatar & UAE, the United States – Texas, South Korea, Ivory Coast, Argentina & Uruguay, Morocco, Senegal and Australia.
    Mathieu Ryckewaert, Public and Corporate Affairs at BESIX Group, gives a short testimonial.

  • Testimonial EnergyVision

    Remote video URL

    EnergyVision has participated to the Belgian Economic Missions to Morocco, China, UK and Japan.
    Maarten Michielssens, Founder and CEO at EnergyVision gives a short testimonial.

  • Testimonial AMB Ecosteryl

    Remote video URL

    AMB Ecosteryl has participated to the Belgian Economic Mission to Angola & South Africa, Saudi Arabia & Oman, Malaysia & Singapore, Colombia & Peru, Ivory Coast, Argentina & Uruguay, Morocco, Mexico, UK, USA, Senegal, Australia, Norway and Brazil.
    Olivier Dufrasne, President of AMB Ecosteryl gives a short testimonial.

Statistics belgian economic missions

Number of participants per mission

Since 2015, 6,382 participants took part in the Belgian Economic Missions
An average of 375 participants per mission

Overview participants missions 2015-2024

Numbers of companies* per mission

Since 2015, 3,127 companies took part in the Belgian Economic Missions
An average of 184 companies per mission

overview companies participated in 2015-2024 missions

* Companies, universities, federations, chambers of commerce

Want to know more about the Belgian Economic Missions? Contact us: