The world changed drastically in the last month due to the Russian invasion in Ukraine, the biggest conflict on European soil since the end of the second World War. As a result, the longstanding Atlantic Partnership between the US and Europe regains importance.
Being Belgium’s largest trading partner outside the EU, the US offers our companies enormous opportunities.
Although the larger cities and regions along the US coastal sides (New York, Florida, California, Washington, …) are well known markets for our companies, that this is not always the case for some other US States. Therefore, the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency organizes a webinar emphasizing the importance of the US-Belgian trade and highlighting the opportunities in trade and investment in some of those lesser known but promising States.
The Belgian Foreign Trade Agency organizes this webinar in close cooperation with its partners, the FPS Foreign Affairs, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), the Wallonia Export and Investment Agency (AWEX) and We will have the pleasure of welcoming HE Sophie Wilmès, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, as well as HE Michael Adler, newly appointed US-Ambassador in Belgium, who will both make the introduction of the webinar, as well as several other high-level guest-speakers.
The webinar will be held in English.
REGISTER NOW and meet us on ZOOM on Thursday, March 31st, 2022, at 10am
- 10.00: Opening by Mr. Didier De Baere, Deputy Director General of the BFTA
- 10.05: HE Mrs. Sophie Wilmès, Federal Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs, Foreign Trade and responsible for the Federal cultural entities: “The political and economic importance of the transatlantic cooperation”
- 10.15: HE Mr. Michael M. Adler, Ambassador of the US to Belgium: “A new era in US-Belgian ties in the light of current circumstances”
- 10.25: U.S. Commercial Service – Karel Vantomme - US Government support for your business in the United States
- 10.45: Mr. Archibald Astley-Corbett Esq., Director of Investment Europe Economic Development Partnership North-Carolina: trade and investment opportunities in smaller US States – the particular case of North Carolina
- 11.05: Mr. Drew Combs, North-Dakota government: Trade and investment opportunities in smaller US States – the particular case of North Dakota
- 11.25: Closing remarks and Q&A